Kayla Atkins Music

My life – Worship, Music, Family and Jesus

Which kind of “egg” are you? April 11, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — kaylaatkinsmusic @ 3:56 am

Hello friends!

I was talking with my mom recently – (who is a VERY wise woman and probably my best friend!) She was sharing with me a thought that the Lord showed her. He gives her such amazing yet simple analogies and this was one worth sharing!

Think of an egg. There are many ways to eat an egg. Hard boiled, scrambled, fried, poached, and of course all the ways we bake and cook with eggs. (My mom is a professional cook by the way – maybe a reason it came to her this way?) They are a very useful item to have around in the kitchen at all times!

But, in order for the egg to be used – it must be cracked first! It can be runny and messy, or it can be hard on the inside, but if that egg is going to be used for any good use, the shell must be cracked off of it!

That egg is much like our lives. God desires to use us in a lot of ways! We may be the protein/meat in someone’s life, we may be the substance that causes things to “stick together” like in a cake, or we may be part of another combination of good “food” for others.  If we don’t allow God to break us, we won’t be useful for anything. Instead we will sit on the shelf and eventually go bad or rot.  

Jesus said in Revelation 3:15-16 – “I know your worksthat you are neither cold nor hotI wish that you were cold or hotSobecause you are lukewarmand neither hot nor coldI am going to vomit you out of My mouth.”

Eggs are good hot, eggs are good cold, but eggs that have been sitting out all day are disgusting and rotten. We’d be spitting them out also. No longer good for anything!

Ps. 51:17 says “The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart.”

We are in a good place when we are broken before the Lord. THEN – He has something to work with!

I’m about to embark on a new season in my life this week. Something the Lord has been preparing me for, but it has taken a lot of brokenness and time in His presence to get me to this place. I am not any more special than the next person, but I have said “Yes” to Him and His call on my life. I sort of understand what Isaiah was maybe feeling when God called and said, “Who will go? Whom shall I send?” and Isaiah piped up and said, “I’ll go! Send me!” He was willing to sacrifice his life and be broken before the Lord and be used to bring life and substance to others. Even now we continue to benefit from his words thousands of years later!

Be willing to be cracked open – whether we are hard boiled, or a runny mess – God can make something wonderful out of us!


Good Friday? What’s so good about it? March 30, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — kaylaatkinsmusic @ 3:53 pm


Growing up, I always remember the Friday before Easter being called “Good Friday.” All I really knew about it was it was a day off school and that Easter was a couple days later and people seemed to put fancy labels on the holiday weekend. Honestly, I couldn’t figure out why they wanted to call it “good?”

I grew up in a Christian home. I was in church just about every time the doors were open. Easter wasn’t a foreign concept or just a tradition for us, it was a reality of celebrating Jesus death and resurrection. But still, this “Good Friday” thing I just never could understand. Jesus DIED – that’s not “good” is it?

Only in the last few years have I realized the depth of the “good” of “Good Friday.”  It wasn’t necessarily good for Jesus….but for us!  His death provided freedom from sin and death, a restored relationship, life eternal, the gift of the Holy Spirit, Joy and Peace! He knew something that we didn’t – He knew Sunday was coming! Sure it was prophesied and Jesus spoke of it, but it was still a mystery! The disciples couldn’t even understand!

God had a plan. Jesus was the main character in this plan; this story. After all, it’s “His-story!” We know how Jesus showed us His love by teaching, ministering, healing the sick, the lame, raising the dead, loving sinners, etc. But, maybe in order to really grab our attention, He knew he had to do the one thing we would never have expected. Lay down His life. That is an incredible “good” thing! (Actually it’s pretty heroic if I can use the term.) As a military family, we understand that very well. We may have experienced this in our lives or know close friends who have gone through the pain and suffering watching someone we know “lay down their lives.” Can you imagine how Mary and the disciples felt? To lay your life down for one person is great, but to agree to do this for the whole world, for salvation and to regain a right standing with God again, knowing many of them will reject you and not believe it even happened, takes a great man. A perfect man. Actually it could only be a perfect God who loves us with an everlasting love!

This is why Friday before Easter is good. If Jesus didn’t pay the penalty for my sin, I would be lost. We needed a Savior and God had a plan. Thank God for making a way through His son! The crushing weight of my sin and shame, my sickness and diseases were put on Him so I wouldn’t have to carry them any longer. He looked from eternity past to eternity future and saw me. He saw you. He willingly laid His life down because He saw the joy of our salvation before Him and he endured the cross for that. This is why it is GOOD!

A song that is a great reminder ends like this:

“Jesus paid it all! All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain and He washed it white as snow!”

I will also leave you with this great song from Downhere – How Many Kings


Welcome! February 9, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — kaylaatkinsmusic @ 5:28 am

Hi friends!

Welcome to my blog! Keep checking back in or subscribe to see what new things I’m writing! I’ll be posting blogs from PWOC that I’ve done in the past and new thoughts that come in the future. I’ll also talk about events I sing at 

and what God does through those.  I’m excited to begin a new journey and share part of my life with you too!


